The God Matrix is a virtual courtroom where the evidence is presented from both sides and you are the judge. This utilizes a standard legal framework, so simply click on the specific evidence you want to see. Direct evidence is that party's best, affirmative argument without reference to the other party. Rebuttal evidence is a critisism of the other party's direct evidence. Ad homimum statements (attacks of people rather than their argument) are not allowed by any party.

The GodMatrix.org site is a "living" webpage and is updated periodically. To submit a reference, please email the complete paragraph, citation, screen-shot or photograph of the source material and the cover. Statements are limited to two published and cited paragraphs and must be made by qualified experts (e.g., PhD, MD, JD, Published Author) in their respective fields. Experts may not pivot off topic or provide statements outside of their qualified area of expertise. This is not a "religious" dialogue or debate, but focuses upon the existence or non-existence of a God, Higher Power or a Creative Force.

The God Matrix was developed by Randall Bell, PhD, who has qualified as an expert in multiple courts. Dr. Bell created this site and framework, but expresses no opinions on this site.